
Kathryn Vercillo with crochet web art

Although I’ve earned my living as a writer and consider that my primary art form, I’ve always engaged with other kinds of art for healing, connecting to self and community, exploration and joy. Over the years, this has amounted to a larger body of work than I realized as I was making it, and I’ve begun to take that work more seriously in recent years (without letting seriousness erase any of the play!)

My primary art forms, which you can explore in more depth via these links, are:

Crochet including wall hangings, 3d crochet including fabric books and soft sculpture, wearables and contributions to collaborative community fiber art projects

crochet wall hanging by Kathryn Vercillo hyperbolic crochet by Kathryn vercillo

Collage including handmade cards, found poetry combined with images, altered art books, mail art


double exposure 1990s magazine ad art by Kathryn vercillo

Other fiber art – a little knitting, a little macrame, a little frame loom weaving

Drawing – Zentangles, Spirographs, Doodles